
光亮有關的字根: luc, lust, lum, gl

字根: luc, lust

來自拉丁文動詞 lucēre,意思為 "to shine"

1. 先記憶與拉丁文字源最像的 lucent

lucent (adj.): 發亮的,也可形容聲音清澈嘹亮
Definition: luminous or clear
Example1: The moon was a lucent orb(球體) in the cloudless autumn sky.
Example2: A few other highlights: Andrew Balio's lucent trumpet work in No. 2; the lush tones of violinists Lisa Steltenpohl and Karin Brown in No.
— Tim Smith,, 9 June 2017

2. 再用 transparent + lucent 聯想 translucent (可透光的)

translucent (adj.):
Definition: clear enough to allow light to pass through
(1) 半透明的
(2) 晶瑩剔透的
(3) 清澈的
Example1: translucent plastic/glass 半透明的塑膠/玻璃
Example2: Laura's skin has a translucent quality. / This china is so fine and delicate that it's translucent.  晶瑩剔透的皮膚/瓷器
Example3: translucent water 清澈的水

補充: 字首 trans 是穿越的意思 transcend(超越), transplant(移植), translate(翻譯), transparent(透明的)

3. 再記 lust 開頭的 lustrous

lustrous (adj.):
Definition: shining or radiant
Example: Meanwhile, city scenes and glitzier themes make a case for ultra-sleek or adorned floral styles cut from shimmering brocade, jacquard, lustrous silk, and velvet.
— Laura Lajiness Kaupke, Vogue, 20 Mar. 2022

4. 相反詞

lackluster (adj.): 黯淡無光的,同義字為dim和dull。
Definition: lacking brightness
Example: That means mediocre performance, cheap parts, and a lackluster design.
— Maren Estrada, BGR, 2 May 2022

5. 動詞 illustrate,原意是使明亮,引申為用例子解釋(使明白)、畫插圖

6. lucid 來自拉丁文 lucidus ("clear")

7. pellucid 則是拉丁文 per ("through") + lucidus

lucid 和 pellucid 都有清楚、清澈的意思,詳見:【GRE單字】清晰與混淆

補充: 字尾 id 指具有...性質的,許多形容詞都是 id 結尾,例如stupid, rapid, turbid, candid, torpid.

8. 把lucid動詞化,得到 elucidate ("to make clear, explain")


字根: lum

來自拉丁文名詞 lumen (光),哈利波特裡基本款咒語 "Lumos" 就是照明咒,相關單字有: 

9. luminous (adj.) 發亮的

Merriam-Webster字典解釋了 luminous 和 lustrous 之間的微妙差異: 
Luminous implies emission of steady, suffused, glowing light by reflection or in surrounding darkness. Lustrous stresses an even, rich light from a surface that reflects brightly without glittering. 用與 luminous 同字首的咒語 lumos 來聯想,luminous 指穩定的光源(例如在黑暗中的光),而lustrous 指飽滿的光澤,可以用來形容絲綢或是頭髮。

10. illuminate (v.)  照亮,和 illustrate、elucidate 類似,引申為闡明、解釋。


字根: gl

容易聯想的字: glow (發光), glory (榮光), glare (刺眼的光/怒視), glamorous (魅力四射)

字首為 gl 的單字通常與光有關,而光線又與「看見」有關,因此gl開頭的字也常有看的意思。

容易聯想的字: glance, glimpse

11. glitter (v.) 閃爍

All that glitters is not gold. 

12. glimmer, shimmer (v.) 閃爍微光,常指星光、燭光、遠處的燈光。引申為微弱的希望(一線曙光)

Moonlight glimmered on the pond. / A glimmer of hope.

The road shimmered in the heat.

I can show you the world. Shining, shimmering, splendid. (A Whole New World 歌詞)


gloss (n.) 光澤

Marble can be polished to a high gloss.

glossy (adj.) 1.有光澤的、用高級亮光紙印的 2. 虛有其表的

Its beautiful, glossy foliage even tolerates some shade and drought.
— Benjamin Whitacre, Better Homes & Gardens, 12 May 2022

14. gleam (v.) 閃爍光芒

His eyes gleamed with/in triumph.

15. beam

(n.) 光線、光束

(v.) 1. 發出光或熱 2.眉開眼笑(聯想:發出快樂)

The Niffler

圖片來源: Wizarding World: Five reasons why we wish we could own a Niffler

參考資料:Cambridge Dictionary, Merriam-webster


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