
字根:qui 安靜


quiescent (adj.) : (暫時) 平靜的,靜止的

例句: The political situation was now relatively quiescent.

其他cent結尾的形容詞: recent, decent, adjacent, adolescent, magnificent, fluorescent

tranquil (adj.) : 平靜、安寧的

Free from disturbance or turmoil

Synonyms: arcadian, placid, restful, serene

tranquilizer (n.) : 鎮靜劑

acquiesce (v.)默許、默認

To accept, comply, or submit tacitly or passively —often used with in or to



例句: There were, however, a few others concerned about the new system who, because of their particular circumstances, acquiesced prior to ratification.


字根:turb 擾亂


turbulence (n.) : 亂流

turbulent (adj.) : 騷亂的

例句: This has been a turbulent week for the administration.

turmoil (n.) : 動盪

Synonyms: disquiet, ferment

例句: After a week of political chaos in Pakistan, more turmoil lies ahead. (NPR)

例句: descended into turmoil

turbid (adj) : 混濁的

Thick or opaque with or as if with roiled sediment.



restful (adj.) : 令人放鬆的

例句: Patients come by appointment, make a rapid recovery in the restful surroundings of the cottage hospital and resume their active life with the minimum of delay.

restless (adj.) : 坐立難安的

例句: Last spring hatcheries around the country reported unprecedented sales driven by amateur homesteaders restless from lockdown and panicky about food insecurity.

— Sarah Karnasiewicz, WSJ, 1 Apr. 2021

restlessness (n.)

restive (adj.) : 焦躁不安的/不耐煩的/不受管束的

例句: The audience was becoming restive as they waited for the performance to begin.

例句: Anger reminds us again that the hermeneutical tradition insists that authors have no special standing and, presumably, the scholars ought not to have been restive.


參考資料:Cambridge Dictionary, Merriam-webster



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