
富有的: rich, wealthy, moneyed

moneyed (adj.)

Example1: the moneyed classes 有錢的階級

Example2: Except that the framers had no way of anticipating that a novel form of oligarchy (寡頭) would soon emerge to challenge constitutional democracies: moneyed aristocracies ruling by virtue not of formal titles but of concentrated wealth.
— Washington Post, 18 Mar. 2022

富足的、充足的: affluent, abundant(大量的), profuse(大量的、充沛的)

affluent (adj.)

Example1: affluent nations/ societies/ neighbourhoods

Example2: The Bay Area (灣區), which encompasses (包含) the cities of San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose, as well as surrounding areas, is one of the nation's most affluent regions: More than 40% of the area's residents have annual household income of at least $75,000, versus only 25% in the country's other top 50 markets, according to Scarborough Research. — Eileen Davis Hudson et al., Editor & Publisher, 1 Oct. 2001

奢侈的、奢華的: lavish, prodigal, opulent

opulent (adj.)

Example: an opulent lifestyle

鋪張的: extravagant

extravagant (adj.)

extravagant 來自拉丁字根 extra+vagari,extra (outside)指在...之外,vagari (wander) 指漫遊、流浪。

extravagant 可理解為偏離正常標準,也就是「太誇張了」。


Example1: extravagant lifestyle

Example2: The product does not live up to the extravagant claims of the advertisers.

與浪費相關的字(負面意思):squander, spendthrift, profligate

squander (v.) 浪費、虛擲、糟蹋(機會/聲譽)

Example1: Leave it to Sony to squander any goodwill gained through Spider-Man: No Way Home within four months.
— Brendan Morrow, The Week, 31 Mar. 2022

spendthrift (n.) 揮霍無度的人

聯想法: thrift = 節儉 (n.),spendthrift = 敗掉你的節儉

Example1: The spendthrift managed to blow all of his inheritance in a single year.

profligate (adj.) 揮霍的

Example1: profligate spending habits


munificent (adj.) 慷慨的,可用來形容捐贈者很大方,或捐贈(贈與/遺產)金額很大一筆

Example1: a munificent donor

Example2: More significantly, Rolling Stone wrote a critical piece about country singer Morgan Wallen, reminiscent of Washington Post reporter David Fahrenthold’s Pulitzer-winning investigations of Donald Trump’s claims of his munificent charitable donations.
— Washington Post, 17 Oct. 2021

例: a munificent bequest

百老匯音樂劇 Hamilton 在講述美國開國元勛 Alexander Hamilton 貧困的家庭背景時用到許多相關單字

推薦的歌詞翻譯+註解:歌詞翻譯 | 百老匯音樂劇 Hamilton – Alexander Hamilton

支持正版原聲帶:Alexander Hamilton

貧窮的:penurious, destitute, impoverished, squalid(因缺錢而骯髒的,通常形容地點)

penurious (adj.) 拮据的、赤貧的


pecuniary (adj.) 金錢相關的

例: pecuniary loss/ pecuniary compensation

補充:  pecuniary 和 penurious 是從兩個完全不同的拉丁字根演變而來的。

pecu 是牲畜 (cattle) 的意思,在古時是財產的象徵,引申為拉丁文 pecunia (錢),最後變成英文 pecuniary (金錢相關的)

penurious 則來自拉丁文 penuria (need, scarcity)。

不專業記法: pecuniary 跟象徵財產的 cattle 一樣有 c 的音

destitute (adj.) 赤貧的、枯竭的

例: The floods left thousands of people destitute.

例: a lake destitute of fish

例: 節錄自Alexander Hamilton歌詞

There would have been nothin'  left to do
For someone less astute (精明)
He woulda been dead or destitute

小氣的parsimonious, miserly

parsimonious (adj.) 一毛不拔的


例: She's too parsimonious to heat the house properly.

引申義: 不願意分享 > 不願意和盤托出

例: Politicians are often parsimonious with the truth.

miserly (adj.) 吝嗇的

miserly 常用於「明明給得起卻吝嗇不給」、「該給不給」的語境,例如薪水、援助給的很吝嗇

而 penurious 則較常用於因為貧窮而拮据、出手不闊綽

例: Workers are paid miserly.

例: Germany has blocked arms exports to Ukraine from a NATO ally and offered Kyiv a miserly 5,000 helmets.
— Adam O'neal, WSJ, 11 Feb. 2022


參考資料:Cambridge Dictionary, Merriam-webster


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