
sabotage (v): (暗中) 破壞,可以指阻撓某事物也可指物理上的破壞。

Definition: the act of destroying or damaging something deliberately (故意地) so that it does not work correctly

Example1: This was a deliberate attempt to sabotage the ceasefire. 

Example2: Just Stop Oil protesters sabotage petrol pumps on M25 motorway.

Example3: "The problem is this guy to my right will completely sabotage the candidate."

出自影片: 巨石強森宣布不競選美國總統,因為怕凱文哈特衝康他



undermine (v): (逐漸地) 削弱信心、權威等,不一定有蓄意的意思。

例如更積極的所得重分配政策可能「削弱」人們的工作動機 ; 市政單位差勁的表現逐漸「削弱」人們的信心等等。

Definition: to make someone less confident, less powerful, or less likely to succeed, or to make something weaker, often gradually

Example1: Proposals for egalitarian redistribution are frequently objected to on the grounds that they will undermine incentives to work and invest in human capital.

Example2: The incompetence and arrogance of the city’s administration have undermined public confidence in government.


impede (v): 阻礙、妨礙

Definition: to make it more difficult for something to happen or more difficult for someone to do something

Example1: Tumor vessels are extremely leaky and tortuous, which impedes uniform blood flow, oxygenation, and drug delivery in tumors.

Example2: They certainly show that grammatical competence does not parallel linguistic performance and that processing tasks impede performance.


hinder (v): 阻礙、妨礙

Definition: to interfere with the activity or progress of

hinder 和 block、impede 意思相近,但 hinder 更強調 "causing harmful or annoying delay" or "interference" with progress,有中文「扯後腿」的感覺。

聯想: behind (把進度往後拖)

Example1: Officials, for example, were convinced that rent controls hindered economic efficiency by impeding the mobility of labor.

Example2: If the social norms hinder women from venturing into public places such as markets, cashin-hand may actually be less useful than help in kind.


manacle (n): 手銬、腳鐐

manacle (v): 銬上(手銬、腳鐐),引申為妨礙或限制。



Definition: to confine or restrain with or as if with chains
Example1: manacled the prisoner to the wall 

Example2: In this situation, the police are manacled by unnecessary regulations.

Example3: a people manacled by tyranny

Some common synonyms of manacle are clog, fetter, hamper, shackle, and trammel. While all these words mean "to hinder or impede in moving, progressing, or acting," shackle and manacle are stronger than fetter and suggest total loss of freedom.


enfeeble (v): 使衰弱無力,可用於影響力的減弱或肉體的病弱。

Definition: to make someone or something very weak

Example1: The move may, in effect, enfeeble America's technology sector and, worse yet, leave the root problem—investigating terrorism, child predation, and criminality—unresolved as wrongdoers flock to alternative products.
— Robert Hackett, Fortune, 29 June 2020

Example2: After 48 hours of treatment, most of the men were very ill and eleven old and enfeebled ones died. 


ravage (v): 嚴重破壞,通常是指暴力或天災等非常強力的破壞

Definition: affect destructively

Example1: The area has been ravaged by drought/floods/war.

Example2: As fires rage, oceans rise, and pandemics ravage, the demands for international solidarity and world-scale deployments of resources are readily apparent.
— Greg Jackson, Harper's Magazine, 10 June 2021

補充: savage (adj.) 兇殘的 (n.) 野蠻人


pound away at: 對...施加壓力 (不一定是阻止,也可能是用壓力促成某事)

Definition: to criticize something or try to get someone to do something

Example1: The campaigners have promised to keep pounding away at the council until the decision to build the road is reversed.


參考資料:Cambridge Dictionary, Merriam-webster


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